2nd International Congress

From Plant Health to Community Health:
Focus on Biotechnology and Functional Food

Brescia, May 14, 2022

Download the programme
The event will be held in hybrid form on 14 May 2022 in Brescia, at the Aula Magna S. Faustino, and online via Zoom.

With the support and patronage of

The organizers are pleased to announce the second edition of the international congress on

“From Plant Health to Community Health: Focus on Biotechnology and Functional Food”

The first edition, hold in 2020, the year declared as the International Year of Plant Health by ONU, attracted over 300 participants from the scientific and industrial fields from all over the world.

This second edition meets broader themes, based on recognition of the interdependence and the interconnectedness of the promotion of plant health, the protection of valuable ecosystems, the global challenge of population growth and food security, and the maintenance and preservation of human health and well-being, in a broad One Health ethical framework.

In this context, scientists from different countries will discuss together about innovative strategies enhancing fitness and nutraceutical properties of plants, innovative sensors for agriculture and food monitoring, and the beneficial effects of nutraceuticals and functional food on human health.

The conference is for those who desires to address the global health challenges of 21st century, while ensuring the biological integrity of the planet, in a transversal and innovative perspective, to drive the next tasks of Agenda 2030.

International Scientific Board




May 14, 2022

Opening Welcome


Prof. Maurizio Tira, University of Brescia, Rector
Dr. Jingyuan Xia, FAO Plant Production and Protection Division, Director

Keynote Lectures


1. Advancing Climate Resilient Food Systems for Human Health, Kalidas Shetty, USA
2. Innovative Microbial Strategies Enhancing Fitness and Nutraceutical Properties of
Plants: The Effect of the Root Endophyte Serendipita indica on Specialized
Metabolism in Tomato Shoots, David B. Collinge, Denmark
3. Food Metabolites and Nutritive Value of Crops, Lillian Barros, Portugal
4. Sustainable Sensors for Agriculture and Food Monitoring, Firat Guder, UK

Plant Health, Technology, Biotechnology and Functional food

11:45 – 13:00

5. Microbial Enriched Compost: Potential for Plant Resilience and Nutraceutical
Applications, Daniela Bulgari, Italy
6. Application of Beneficial Fungi as a Strategy for Mycotoxin Risk Reduction
Sabrina Sarrocco, Italy
7. Increasing the Soil Productivity in a Sustainable Way: IoT to the Rescue
Victor Grimblatt, Chile
8. Nutraceutical Enriched Vegetables: New Approaches for Human Health
Daniela Uberti, Italy

Closing Remarks



From Plant Health to Community Health
7th November 2020


The event will be held in hybrid form on 14 May 2022 in Brescia, at the Aula Magna S. Faustino, and online via Zoom.

The event will be recorded and will be available on the website planthealth.it

The registration is free but compulsory.

You will receive the Zoom link one day before the event (and a reminder one hour before the start)


Organising Secretariat

MZ Events srl

Via Carlo Farini, 81 - 20159 Milano, Italy

+39 02 66802323

Under the auspices of